Birmingham Pet Sitters Birmingham Pet Sitters

Why Does My Puppy Get Hiccups?

A puppy with hiccups might be the cutest thing in the world, but have you ever wondered why they get them?

Let’s take a look at why they get them and a few ways you can help.

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Birmingham Pet Sitters Birmingham Pet Sitters

Can Dogs Eat Strawberries?

Summer is finally here and with it comes all kinds of fresh fruity goodness.

In this article, we’ll see if our dogs share in the refreshing, juicy strawberry fun.

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Birmingham Pet Sitters Birmingham Pet Sitters

Can Dogs Eat Bananas?

As a dog owner, you have probably tried to make your dog’s mealtimes more interesting for them.

A commonly asked question that keeps coming up is ‘can my dog eat bananas?'.

In this article, we'll see if they can.

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Birmingham Pet Sitters Birmingham Pet Sitters

5 Reasons Your Cat Sleeps Next To You

Have you ever wondered why your cat sleeps next to you? In this article, we'll talk you through the reasons why, different cat sleeping positions, and offer useful advice if you don’t like them doing it.

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