Can Dogs Eat Bananas?

Dog with banana

As a dog owner you have probably tried to make your dog's mealtimes more interesting for them.

There are so many different types of dog food and treats on the market, however, a commonly asked question that keeps coming up is ‘can my dog eat bananas?’.

Let’s have a look into these domestic mammals’ dietary requirements.

Can Dogs Eat Bananas?

You don’t need to have spent years with a dog to know that whatever food you might have opened, the dog will most likely come over to see if you’ll share it with them.

Bananas are no exception, and the short answer to this question is: Yes! Your dog can enjoy these bright yellow bundles of deliciousness - they are safe for K9 consumption.

They are a healthy, lip-smacking snack for a dog that’s packed with potassium and other vitamins and minerals which offer a variety of health benefits.

Bananas should be given to your dog in moderation, and it should be deemed a treat or snack, not a meal replacement. If you have any questions or concerns with anything you plan to feed your dog, please consult your vet.

Why Should Dogs Eat Bananas?

Bananas are an all-natural fruit that have multiple benefits to a dog’s health.

They include:

  • Potassium which aids in keeping the heart healthy and promoting good kidney function.

  • Vitamin B6 that helps to generate glucose, regulate hormones, and enhance the function of red blood cells. It prevents cardiovascular disease and is also an anti-inflammatory.

  • Vitamin C which is a powerful antioxidant which helps strengthen the immune system and maintains healthy blood pressure

  • Fibre that's good for improving intestinal function and reduces gastrointestinal problems by aiding in digestion.

  • Magnesium which promotes protein production, bone growth, and stronger muscles and helps to regulate the heartbeat with contributes to your dog’s overall wellbeing. 

How Much Banana Can Dogs Eat?

Although bananas are full of vitamins and minerals, they’re very high in sugars, fats and starch so they should always be fed in moderation to your dog. This will prevent any unwanted weight gain, which could be harmful to your dog.

Much the same as humans, a banana is a snack for us and should not be given in excess or to substitute any meals.

More then one banana at a time is excessive and could cause stomach upset or constipation so please only feed small portions to your pooch as a treat or snack.

Eating anything excessively can make a dog sick and bananas are no exception. Any more than half a medium-sized banana at once is likely too much for any size or breed of dog.

Small dog = a few pieces cut up.

Medium to large Dogs = ½ banana cut up.

To Peel or Not to Peel?

Whilst the peel isn’t toxic to your dog it is strongly advised to not let them eat the peel.

They are hard to chew and digest which could cause a blockage.

Some banana peels have been treated with solutions to ripen them quicker – these solutions may be harmful to your dog and so it is better all round if we don’t feed our dogs banana peels. (They don’t taste great either).

Can Puppies Eat Bananas?

You bet puppies can also eat bananas.

As long as they’re ripe, cut into small 1cm chunks, suitable for little puppy mouths and with all the peel removed, they are the perfect treat.

Bananas are a great source of Potassium and various nutrients which are amazing for a growing pup.

Bonus – They taste great too!

Medical Considerations

It is considered rare for dogs to be allergic to bananas, however, if it is something new to your dog’s diet, you should introduce it very slowly to see how they react to it and to make sure there are no adverse effects.

Perhaps mashing it into their normal dog food or freezing a small amount as a dog-friendly ice treat could be a good idea.

If a dog is allergic to bananas they may show the following symptoms:

  • Itching

  • Swelling

  • Hives

  • Diarrhea

  • Vomiting

If your dog is showing any of these symptoms, please seek veterinary advice immediately.


Bananas are a great treat for your dog.

They will gain some very good vitamins from this fruit and providing they are not fed in excess, they will also gain some lovely benefits from bananas being added to their diet.

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